Genre: Digital Playground, DigitalPlayground, Violet Starr, Gogo Fukme, Kira Noir, Lacey London, Bella Rolland, Ryan Reid, Nicole Doshi, Chloeurreal, Group
Video Description: The most bumping city in the Wasteland is Red Gate, and as the leader Duke Scott Nails DJs at the nightly rave, it's full of babes wearing next-to-nothing dancing like there's no tomorrow... because in the Wasteland, there might not be. Duke gets his dick sucked by a few sexy groupies, while nearby, some of the club's hottest dancers competitively share dick in an anal orgy as they put on a hell of a show! But outside, the RV full of mercenaries and their secret weapons are rolling in, hotly pursued by warlord Ruin and her bounty hunters.